You have a set number of cows to defend each level. This allows you to plan accordingly, and choose the best machines to suit each challenge. You get the chance to see the map and which enemies will be approaching before you choose which towers to use. More choices and slots become available as you progress in the game. You have a set number of slots for towers, and before each level you select from a variety of towers to fill those slots. There are often multiple crop circles where the aliens beam in, though the paths always converge eventually. The aliens follow a set path toward your cows each level. After you place a tower, there is a cooldown period before you can place that particular tower again, so you need to plan for that as well. You'll have to strike the right balance between cog machines and towers so you have enough supplies, but also enough firepower to hold the aliens back. Using just your mouse, drag and drop your towers to open spots in the field. Barney devises an array of attack machines, made available to you over time. It bakes up gears that you have to collect, and which act as the currency you need in order to place the other machines along the trail. The most basic (and essential) piece of machinery is the cog factory.

You give him the materials, he'll make you up some slick defenses. Luckily for you, Barney is a genius with machines. It's up to you and your friend Barney (who has unfortunately locked himself in the outhouse) to repel the ugly green monsters before it's too late. All signs point to an alien invasion! "Beware Planet Earth!" is a zany tower defense game from indie developer Lightmare Studio. Somewhere in the American Midwest, something strange is afoot.